Dr Kamal Kumar

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Ozone Therapy for Pain Relief


What is Ozone therapy?

Ozone therapy utilizes pure oxygen to create a specific response within your immune system. High ozone doses can clean your blood naturally, which has the beneficial effect of neutralizing many pathogenic microbes. 

What are the Potential Benefits?

The benefits of ozone therapy include the following:

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Reduces brain fatigue
  • Improves mental clarity
  • Improves levels of energy
  • Fastens the healing ability of the body

The ozone gas injection into the knee and other joints has been clinically proven to reduce pain and inflammation.

Ozone Injections deliver active oxygen (a mixture of oxygen and ozone) directly into the problem area. This minimally invasive treatment provides regenerative and anti-inflammatory power of medial ozone into the inflamed tissue. 

Ozone can provide pain relief and start regenerating the tissue, for patients with severe damage to their joints, by activating your Stem Cells, which can repair and rebuild your damaged cells. 

Ozone also activates your natural antioxidant system that controls free radical invasion, the true culprit of cell damage resulting from chronic inflammation that causes pain.

Ozone injections increase circulation and encourage the synthesis of collagen and cartilage. Ozone benefits the key issues in almost all disease conditions: oxygen delivery, circulation, and immune system function.

What happens during treatment?

There are many ways to receive ozone therapy. Your doctor will discuss the best options for you and your treatment.

Three primary methods of treatment include administering ozone in the following ways:

Directly to the tissue: If you undergo ozone therapy for leg or hand problem or wound, the ozone gas will be applied directly to the tissue surface of the affected body location. The gas is always administered in a protective covering.

Intravenously: To treat internal disorders, like HIV, the ozone gas is usually dissolved into the blood taken from you. Then, the blood with the liquefied gas is administered back intravenously.

Intramuscularly: Ozone therapy is available as an intramuscular (IM) injection. The ozone gas is mixed with oxygen before administering.

What Are the Conditions Treated Using Ozone Therapy?

  • Knee Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Joint Pains
  • Arthritis Pain
